
Oh, how relaxing that is!!! After years the first grand slam I'm not watching any full matches, be it live or in re-live. The reason for that? As to Germany there is a new shark in the pool. 'SPORTDEUTSCHLAND.TV' is the only legal gate to the US Open '23 by now. So I wrote them an email asking if it will be possible to switch off the German comments and watch it with English one's or original soundtrack instead. They denied. The German tennis coverage is almost unbearable, if you're accustomed to the English tradition. Germany is no tennis country. The commentators feel the urge not just to comment but to entertain the non-tennis audience themselves as well. There are better and worse one's. The latter tend to constantly jabber into the rallies and to cloak their ignorance with rashly googled redundancies which do nothing but to distract from the action on court, which obviously should be the main attraction and source of thrill and entertainment. The former monopolist, 'Eurosport', often gave occasions for bitter complaints. But they at least offered that opportunity to avoid the German provinciality. Well, normally the non-European grand slams leave me with a great lack of sleep and a considerable gain of daytime exhaustion. This year I will enjoy my restful nights to the fullest. One of the utterly rare occasions to say "Thank you, capitalism!"