n:ew pic #549 | r:oland garros 2nd rd

Chloe Paquet

Chloe Paquet | Rain delays galore in Paris today. Second round. The Korpatsch match quite likely to be postponed, while Chloe Paquet managed to defeat on paper superior Katerina Siniakova by 36 762 71066. The other surprise Olga Danilovic ousting Danielle ‘Thorn’ Collins by 673 75 64.

Ok, Tamara Korpatsch out against Zheng Qinwen, 26 26. A loss here had to be expected anyway, but in addition the long waiting time may have been too much for the player from Hamburg, whose Achilles’ heel are the nerves.

Clara Tauson def Jelena Ostapenko by 764 46 63.


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